How I work
I specialise in Transformative coaching. This means I explore coaching from a number of different perspectives and use tools which draw on:
- Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
- Transactional Analysis
- Person Centred Coaching
- Psychological Theory
- The GROW coaching model
Coaching is about giving you the time and space to think and feel whatever it is you need to explore. Then I support you to take those first steps towards getting the life you want.
I am here to help you think out loud and put into words whatever sensations, thoughts or feelings may be coming up for you. We may do some structured exercises. Other times all you need may be silence, and to know that someone is listening.
We will find our way together as we work towards getting you to where you want to be.
I can help you:
- Find success and direction in your career
- Overcome Imposter Syndrome
- Achieve a healthier, happier balance in your personal life
- Set and achieve new life goals
- Change the habits that are holding you back